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It went as fast as it came. The Xmas crazy is over...thank goodness. I got my mom off to the plane and she is on her way back to life in Texas. It was a pretty incredible visit, and even her husband was cheery, which is rare. The up side is that my mother finally realizes that California is not LA and San Fransisco. She got to see the Napa Valley and it is beautiful. They both got to experience a place in the world where what you are does not matter. Mostly, she got to see that I am happy, and I know that gives her huge peace of mind. At one dinner, it was mentioned that she really wished I could find what I have here in Texas. She really wants me closer to home, and I get it. The sad part is that for the first time I see my mother as older. She is 76 years old, and has always been pretty sprite. In this past year, she has had heart surgery and beat melanoma. It has taken it'/s toll on her in subtle ways. I noticed, and I don't like it. Am I the only person that has some weird perception that my mother is supposed to live forever?


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