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Where Is Home?

I know it sounds like a philosophical question, but I am being literal...kinda. This topic is on my mind today due to a question asked by a co-worker. I was asked if I was going home for Xmas. I know my co-worker meant home = Texas. I answered that no my mother is coming to California to see me. In my head head home = wherever my mom lives. I wonder if it is the same for those with a living parent. If someone asked me if I am going home after a party, I know in my head home = where my dogs are lounging on my couch. But you know where I live has not really felt like "home" in a long time. My personality is fairly nomadic, so I never really get too comfortable. The career path I took ensured that nothing was ever really home for too long. So, where is your home?

Location: de*cid*u*ous


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