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The Curious Case Of The Kekeland Photobomber

The evening had already started out strange. There were French people awake running amok with GlouGlous. A tiger was speaking in another language. Ban lines appeared left and right prohibiting any adventures. As if the night could not get any stranger, Tate woke up so early. She awoke way before my bedtime even!

I had to shake off the strange events, so that I could take a picture and blog the new eyebrows Identity released. The camera set up went perfectly. The Glou Glous had settled down. There was a calm across kekeland as my trigger finger prepared for the snap. Bingo! It had to be the perfect shot that included a hint of a smile. I rushed into photoshop to process the perfection. As the image appeared on my screen, I gasped in horror! Over my shoulder a little Alien was smiling for the photo. IN that instant the evening made sense. Don't be too alarmed when you go to is just the Aliens at play. ♥

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