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A Wiser Time

To stand, or kneel. It seems to be the big question these days in the USA. For those of you who are unsure what I am rambling about, I will try to explain. Our professional football players have been taking a knee during the national anthem in a silent protest of how African Americans are treated in the US. It has sparked a huge controversy, and the protested issue is linked to Trump.

I truly avoid politics when possible. It is such a touchy subject. I will say this...I am not a Veteran of the Armed Services. However, I was a civilian contractor and spent two years in Iraq with Marines. I love my country and my constitution...even when it is fucked up. We are clearly in trouble. Never in my years have I seen a more open display of white supremacy. Nor have I ever witnessed so much blatant violence motivated by race, religion, or gender. My personal Facebook feed has just about become unbearable with vicious words.

For me, I don't care who stands, or who kneels. I think it would be more of a slap in the face of our Veterans to not utilize the constitution. I will never know what it feels like to be a black man in America, so I cannot even empathize and I won't pretend to. I do know that things just don't feel right, and it causes a sadness. We are better than this current temperature.

Location: de*cid*u*ous


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