Pray Tomorrow Gets Me Higher
I love posemakers...truly! As a "blogger", the poses really make the shot. In my process it is what I start with as a foundation for the scene. Plus, I personally don't know how to make anything in Second Life. Without the pose makers, my photos would feature me standing like a noob in, or on, someone's awesome creation. I don't think the posemakers in our virtual world get enough credit.
So on the topic of posemakers, one of my absolute favorites is back in a big way! RK Poses has been reborn, and I cannot describe how thrilled I am without coming off as fangirling...but really, I am a fan. There is something really special when two creators collaborate, but it becomes amazing when the two are connected. This is what you get when you put Nutmeg and RK poses together. You are getting the best from both creators.
Headphones: [Iruco] gacha / Headphone [star bk/w]
Boots & Pants: ::GB:: Double Belt Boots & Pants @ Shoetopia 2017
Chair: Nutmeg - Vintage French Chair @ Shiny Shabby