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See You There

Sorry that those that read have to listen to all my moving drama, but it is what is relevant in my life right now. That is my only disclaimer for today, and future posts.

One of the things I am really missing right now is my phone blowing up early from folks trying to pin me down for weekend plans. Mostly my phone is blowing up with the question, "Do you miss us yet?". Of course I do! Right now, there is no one local to me. I have a friend in San Fransisco, but they are married to each other...and have two almost adult kids. Their lives center around that last high school senior. Maybe I have Second Life friends in Northern California, and I just don't know it yet. Speak up if I do! Well, if you are into meeting virtual folks that is. Some people get really freaked out by the notion, but we will talk about that another day.

What I can rely on is that my friends will be at Black Milk on Saturday armed with awesome dance HUDS and lots of "Hoooooooooooooooooo's". Thank goodness. I need the social stimulation right now. It is nice to have that consistent plan. Even if you are not into House Music, Black Milk is an awesome place to just be social with friends. In fact, I made new friends there too. Saturdays at Noon SLT...See you there. ♥



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