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Life has a twisted sense of humor.

It has been hard and heavy getting ready for this big move. Take all the normal stress of moving a long distance, and add that I am doing it alone. Drop a required class in the middle that stops all productivity. It is all okay. Hey, I made a career out of handling large amounts of stress. I leave in four days, and I just figured out who would drive the moving truck two days ago. It brings us to now, and I don't have a single thing packed. Still, I know in the end it will come together.

My mother was going to ride with me to California. I cannot think think of a better person to do a cross country drive with as my co-pilot. You have to understand my mother. She is the Mom everyone loves, because she is one sassy woman. She is 75 years old, and only wears thong underwear. Yes, that is my mom. She carries a .38 snub nose pistol in her purse complete with a lazer, so she won't ever miss. Her closet is jam packed with over 100 pairs of cowboy boots that match her tops. There is even a specific pair of "snake boots". No, not snake skinned. They are boots a snake cant bite through. She says she can "stomp 'em". She is a 5'4" platinum blonde, but her spirit is 7 foot tall. I am lucky enough to have her independent spirit, and stubbornness.

She has a spot on her face that was bothering her. Eight months ago, she went to a Dermatologist to have it looked at. They froze it, and took a slice to send off. Problem is that Doctor told her it looked like nothing. It escaped her mind, and they never called with results. That spot has become an issue, so she called them for the results. Someone screwed up, and failed to follow up. The spot is Melanoma. She has now gone 8 months of getting into her pool three times a day unprotected. She is outside a ton. I am just sick about this situation. Nothing in my brain is able to deal with my mother's mortality.

I can fight people. I can protect her from many things. Cancer is a terrorist of the body. There is no moment of impact you feel. There is not a thing I can see, and confront. I hate feeling helpless when every instinct to fight kicks in. If you are reading this...please send some positive mojo my mother's direction.


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