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Light From A Dead Star

Another day...another terrorist attack. These machines are like cockroaches. You seal up their ability to fly planes into buildings, they take to vehicles. Before anyone goes PC on me, understand this is my opinion. Terrorists do not have a skin color, religion, or gender in my eyes. What they have in common is a mindset, and disregard for specific human life. North Korea wants to bomb the US, and Trump wants to cock slap them into submission. The Westboro Baptist Church says that God still hates fags. White Nationalists are no longer in the closet here in America. What the fuck is wrong with people? If only my President had a suggestion box. I say bomb them all with THC bombs...they would be too stoned to get off their couches. Seriously.

There is a silver lining though. When tragedy hits, people rise up and unite. People check on their neighbors, and shop local. There is a light that the horrible draws out of the community. Terrorists will never win. Hate doesn't stand a chance. Diversity will always be a celebration. Freedom will always prevail. Here is a big hug to Barcelona. Stand strong, and don't cower.


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