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Pimp My Life

I have decided the purpose of Second Life is to pimp my life. Speaking for others is not my thing, but assumptions are fair game. I bet you use it to pimp your life too. It is common to hear that there is "something wrong" with anyone that plays in a virtual world. Perhaps that is true.

Anyone can be a social butterfly, and dress real dandy. The best dancers are in Second Life. Polygamy runs rampant...sometimes only one person in the couple is privy to this fact. So much sexual napalm to borrow a line from John Mayer. You can unleash the creative writing beast in an RP sim, or emoting in a strip club. There are Fin Dommes, and fuckboys. I won't forget the girls on leashes. Babygirls are competing for the attention of their favorite Daddy. There are creators that cater to all fashion needs. You can get married, and have a baby. Divorce is still a thing too. Everything we lack in our real lives can be played out here.

So, what is wrong with me? For starters, I am a serious introvert. I would always rather sit back and observe the human condition. Then there are the phobias. When I get into a crowded situation, my mind starts to obsess over all the germs I am being exposed to...especially from small children. They carry Ebola folks! I have anxiety every time I cross a bridge. When I pass an 18 wheeler on the highway, I stay tense until I pass. It is safe inside my loft with my two dogs. I don't stop living due to my issues, but the VR life is a nice break.

Sim Location: Vila Mimosa


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