From Me To You: A Note Of Honesty
Brace yourself, because I have a feeling that I am going to get a bit long winded here. In advance, thank you to the folks that take the time to read my actual blog. This in no way means that I don't appreciate the person that slaps a fav on my picture and moves on. I do the same thing most of the time. Those that read, it tells me that you have some interest in what the hamster wheel of my brain spits out. It is a cherry on top of what is already sweetness just by the Flickr support I get.
So this is a heads up that I am going to break all that is sacred and defy some of the established Flickr etiquette. Who made these non spoken rules anyway? What I have noticed in my own behavior is that I am tending to Flickr way too much. In between free moments, I am checking the feed to make sure I don't miss pictures. I have this embedded fear of disappointing people, or hurting their feelings by not clicking that star...or by not returning a comment...or by not thanking people for awards and such. It is exhausting. My SL has become busy, and my RL is very busy. I have a possible big move coming up real soon.
I have started dropping some groups that I rarely post into. I am also dropping those groups that I submit photos to, but can't seem to get an image approved. I have no clue what your requirements are at this point. After I do a picture, I write here, and then spend another hour putting my photo in 600 groups in hopes of some exposure as a blogger. At this point, you are either into what I do, or not. I will still be as supportive as I can be for fellow bloggers, and photographers I follow. I will still be looking at people I don't follow yet. I truly enjoy looking at all the photos people do. What I won't be doing is feeling like I have to comment back to say thank you. This is my thank you past, present, and future. I will say thank you by supporting your work. In a nutshell this is a bit of self preservation, and time management for me.
What I want in SL is to have the opportunity to blog for some of my favorites. Keep my deciduous sim interesting, spend time with my amazing friends. I want to say Hello to people and engage on a real level. ♥
Hair: [INK] Hair_SKS @ TMD
Glasses: [Z O O M] Stogger Glasses
Facial Hair: [BAD HAIR DAY] Brood
Pose: CKEY Poses Imagination
Desk: Pewpew! Drawing Desk
Sim Location: de*cid*u*ous