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Window To The Sky

It is crunch time in the land of De*cid*u*ous. Six days until our soft opening. There are even still things to do!. Tate is busy tweaking, and I am busy fretting. For me, it is that feeling of when you are standing on a ledge, and second guessing your next step. Maybe the sim puts too much of myself out there. This I promise is that the armor is off. Perhaps it is too much for random strangers to get a peek in at the measure of me. Then I wonder if it is too self indulgent. It could be, but as a wise friend said to are paying for can be whatever you want. True. Mostly, it has been a labor of love for Tate and I. I am horrible at expressing what is in my head. Still, when this project was in the infant stages, I put my vision out there and she adapted. She made some ugly things very beautiful, and this is why we are a good team. It doesn't require a lot of explaining.

We are into the finer details now. It is all about the loose ends. A few people have done an early walk through, and seemed to really enjoy the place. I have been asked why a private opening. For me, this is a bit like ripping off a band aid, but in this case, more like ripping off some duck tape. It is going to hurt a bit. It is no secret that we both picked some of our favorite photographers, creators, and our friends. It is good to get some unbiased feedback, and if it is harsh, to have our biased friends close by to re-validate. We are going through with this come hell, or high water. When it opens to the public on the 22nd, my hope is that people take away what makes sense to them, and just disregard what doesn't. I hope it is interesting, and something different visually. Cross your fingers for me, please. :)

Sim Location: de*cid*u*ous


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