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Kid Fears

I am wondering if you can relate...

Experts say that experiences in our childhood will shape us as adults. It causes me to feel for the people who have grown up in war torn countries. I cannot even imagine the list of phobias and fears they have developed. The thing is I call any developed fear at any age a kid fear. We each have that unique trigger, or a special way our brain processes experiences. I am not talking about the fear you would experience as you drive off a cliff. I am talking about the irrational fear that lingers from some program in our brains. It can range from the boogy man we were taught to fear under the bed to a dog bite that causes fear of all dogs. It is like an early warning detection center in our head.

Nothing in this world sends a shiver through me like kid fears. Fireworks cause me to hit the floor...loud noises in general do it to me. Airplanes flying low cause panic in my heart. Bridges make me white knuckle grip the steering wheel. Dolls and clowns give me a sense of dread that he is coming for me again. I stay away from ledges. My first instinct is to step over, but I end up vomiting. I really wish I could trade my kid fears in for a pocket of rainbows, but they are only reflection, refraction, and dispersion. Fear is real in the mind of the beholder...and I would rather feel.


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