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Even now, I am blown away by certain behaviors and actions in the virtual world. The things I encounter really do ride both sides of the spectrum. I have had people claim to be family, and to love me, but could not hold a simple conversation. They could not respond to a simple "How are you?". Then there are the trolls. Internet trolls are just bizarre to me. Last night, I encountered one. Her opening line was a joke involving the burning of Jews. Is there a satisfaction a person gains from shock value? Or, is it a misery loves company situation? I am clueless.

On the flipside of that coin, I have met really creative and just really decent folks. I have someone that loves the whole of me...imperfections and all. I have met several people through Flickr that are such talented photographers in SL. They keep me on my toes and in a constant state of improvement. There is that one American friend, and he suffers with me through the woes of having Euro friends. My neighbor is very awesome, and sweet as she can be...but not too sweet. She is fiesty too!

I guess this is all to say that the incredible experiences I have in SL make the horrible ones feel uncommon. That alone is a silver lining to a dark cloud. I hope I stay shocked and appalled by assholes. The day I am spectrum has tipped the wrong way.

Sim Location: The Village & BarDeco


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