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Rhythm of the Night - About A Friend

It was the early 90's, and I was just about to graduate from college. Venturing away from home was not my thing yet. Staying close meant free meals, free laundry, and not leaving my friends behind. I knew the Dallas scene so well. It was like extended high school except with the ability to legally drink. The early 90's were an interesting time.

*Bill Clinton took office for the first time.

*The first WTC bombing occurred.

*The Waco Siege ended in a fire.

*The Space Shuttle went up again.

*An investigation into Michael Jackson first began.

In immediate news, I was going to graduate from college. My career path was set in the way that a company wanted me. It had been really an easy ride as far as adjustments go. Most of my close friends were still in the immediate area. The immediate area had about a dozen universities. Study hard all week, and when the weekend came, it was going to be myself, E, C, and A lit and alive in the Cedar Springs neighborhood of Dallas. Yes, the gayborhood. The alcohol flowed. Blow and X were the drugs of choice. Dancing to Corona, Robin S, and Alice DeeJay would happen. Those were carefree days.

E was a sharp dressed gay man. He was one year younger than me. He was old enough to make poor choices, and young enough to think he was invincible. Rhythm of the Night by Corona was his jam. His eyes would close and it was like he was air on the dance floor. He was a good friend I had known since 7th grade, and we became closer as young adults. That boy was always planning...a party, a night out, a dinner, anything. He was the gay bar cruise director. Around 1995, I had to jump off that cruise ship. I entered management. I had bills and responsibilities. Our last time together was June of that year at Lee Park...PRIDE 95. The 90's were good, but E had not been careful. He contracted HIV, and later in life it became AIDS.

Last weekend, I had dinner with old friends and his name came up. I was saddened to find out that two years ago, E was found face down in a creek behind his apartment. The death was not investigated and was ruled something due to complications from AIDS. It was hard to swallow, and I'm still feeling sadness knowing how he exited. However, I remain grateful that I played a part in the rhythm of his life.


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