It always floors me that any of us get out of this world intact. Every single day, we leave pieces of ourselves scattered along the ruins of every other regular Joe of the world. You are either lush grass, or perhaps even calming white beach sand. On a bad day, or year, you could leave behind what is scattered in the landfills. We are all capable of both. We are both. All intentions are not pure nor are they destructive. Leave some room for people to discard their worst. Today might be the day that someone scatters their wrappers and empty beer cans across your well kept lawn. They are just trying to preserve their best parts.
*ALL of the following items are located at the MEN'S ONLY DISTRICT
Hair: DOUX Victor
Bracelets: **RE** Ikal Bracelets
Tattoo: ISUKA Katashi
Pose (Not at MoM): <K&S> -Fly- Poses