A considerable influence in my life insists that I could do this blog thing. This might have been a much more dramatic unveiling if it were New Year's Day, but here I am on the 7th of January. What clicked in my brain was the endless possibilities of Second Life. Fashion, photographic sims, residents, live music venues, and digital art...it is a playground for anyone that can manage to click the camera icon on their preferred viewer. Fair warning that I have no idea what this will become, or if it will even get to a click of the *publish* button. Is there a goal? Maybe. I cannot stand here and admire my own ability to arrange pixels that created Trip. Perhaps it is true that we only look attractive if someone else says we do.
The deets:
Body: TMP
Head: CATWA Head Paul
Skin: L'Etre Skin Shop Chris
Hair: DOUX Jordan
Jacket: not so bad JON cardigan
Pants: not so bad LUCA jeans
Boots: FLI Mainstore Field Boots
Pose: Grafica Poses lansio